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  • This is a reading comprehension strategy that can help students better understand a text the first time they read it to develop an effective comprehension process. Students form questions about a text and try to find the answer as they read. Consider explaining each step of the process so students can better understand its purpose.

  • Survey: Students read headings, chapter titles, or any charts to preview the topics on which a text focuses. They also consider its overall structure.

  • Question: Using the information they learned from the previous step, students choose questions to consider while reading.

  • Read: Students carefully read the entire chapter or section to answer the questions they previously wrote. They can use active reading methods, such as underlining key sentences or words and annotating their reflections.

  • Recite: After noting their answers to the initial questions, students summarize what they learn in a text and say it aloud to deepen their understanding. They can work in small groups to practice this skill or present their summaries to the class.

  • Review: To clarify information, students review a text again and explain its main ideas. They can also clarify information about the text and further study the effectiveness of their initial questions.

SQ3R: Skills
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